I don't care if the WTS flourishes or fails. It's enough for me to be out of it. There will always be a vast majority of JW's who will chalk up any exposure of Witnerss errors and lies as an attempt by Satan to attack them. It emboldens them with their 'great tribulation" bullshit. I'm not suggesting that anyone stop pointing out just how wrong and hypocritical the WTS is and has been. It may help more people get the hell out. But, since I'm out and have been out for almost twenty years, life is wonderful.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
How Far We've Come
by metatron ini just wanted to add a note of optimism on the occasion of silentlambs.
disfellowshipping.. some of us have known about sites like these for a few years.
of us used to post on the old h2o site.
by You Know inall the talk of late has been about the crisis on wall street, and indeed, throughout the entire global financial system.
the most recent scandal du jour and causality of the stock market slide is the gigantic media firm aol time/ warner.
drahcir yarrum
If the DOW falls below 5,000 then I suggest digging out the old witnessing bag.
oral sex
by lilpumpkin inwould someone who was a jw all his life (24 years) know he's not suppose to be giving/receiving oral sex?
is it possible he might not have heard about this rule?
does it not apply if the person is disfellowshipped?
drahcir yarrum
Oral sex is soundly condemned unless being performed on a young Bethelite male by an aging governing body member. Then it's OK.
What Women Want
by patio34 insubject: an important study.
a newly published study from the university of wisconsin.
showed that the kind of male face a woman finds attractive can differ.
drahcir yarrum
That is too funny! But I thought you were talking about the mammal "bat",
not the baseball "bat". I need therapy!
Do Jws help disfellowshipped ones or apostates?
by haujobbz in.
do you think that, if say you fell over and and seriously injured yourself in the street, would a jw you knew passing by help you knowing that you were disfellowshipped or so called apostate.
maybe even come to see you at home if you were unwell or depressed,i mean how many witnesses have assisted or helped you when you needed it mostly,you see i thought they were supposed to encourage you to become so called spiritually stronger.but saying that when you were active as a jw do you think you were helped in times of distress or illness by your fellow jw,for instance i know a woman who's still a witness but hasnt been to meetings for say a year and thats because she has severe athritis and guess what only 1 j-dub has wrote to her so to her it seems like if your not a regular at meeting you may as well be classed as disfellowshipped.
drahcir yarrum
I remember a case while a teenager, of a girl who did the six month study (because in 1968 the time was so short we could only devote 6 months to the worthless bastards). The Witness she studied with was a nice looking young pioneer lad and it was obvious that she would have joined any group to be near him. Well, after 6 months she got baptised at a CA and was even on the assembly program with the pioneer, extolling the value of the 6 month study program.
Within a month or two, she went to a fundamentalist camp revival with her brother and got baptised there as well. The committee meeting with her lasted all of 20 minutes and she was disfellowshipped without delay. Nobody ever spoke to her again or even mentioned her name in mixed company. I was always struck by the rapid turnaround and the lack of love shown her after that. Looking back on it, going to that fundy camp revival was the best thing that ever happened to her and I'll bet she doesn't have clue about it to this day. Apostacy ALWAYS results in disfellowshipping, never private or public reproof.
Name your favourite kingdom melody?
by haujobbz ini used to hate the kingdom melodies, but maybe i did like one or two i think one was called "apostates on the march" @ i feel so human
drahcir yarrum
I believe Karl Klien, a man who given the right circumstances could have just as easily been a Nazi
as a governing body member, is responsible for many of the travesties we called "Kingdom Songs".
Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, but Klien also put an end to piano and organ playing at
Kingdom Halls in favor of phonographs and whatever they use today. All meetings had to be absolute
cookie cutter likeness of the others. No room for individuality such as piano or organ playing.
Everyone knows that Satan is a musician. BTW, does anyone know if Tommy Lee is Satan?
Name your favourite kingdom melody?
by haujobbz ini used to hate the kingdom melodies, but maybe i did like one or two i think one was called "apostates on the march" @ i feel so human
drahcir yarrum
"We're Jehovah's Witnesses" is one of those nauseating melodies that as each of you starts hearing it in your memory, you'll hate me for mentioning it. Enjoy!
Sure Fire Ways To Go Broke
by drahcir yarrum ini was thinking of unique businesses that would probably land you in bankruptcy court and came up with this one:.
selling windows to kingdom halls.
does anyone else have any suggestions?
drahcir yarrum
I was thinking of unique businesses that would probably land you in bankruptcy court and came up with this one:
Selling windows to Kingdom Halls
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
WORLD TO END 2050 - women, poor hardest hit
by Nathan Natas inhttp://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0 ,6903,750783,00.html .
earth 'will expire by 2050' .
our planet is running out of room and resources.
drahcir yarrum
When an educated person knows the facts about the environment in the United States and how it has been cleaned up over the past 30-40 years one begins to realize the utter nonsense that exists in the environmentalist RELIGION.
Americans who travel overseas always seem to have interesting stories about the crappy environmental conditions in Europe and Asia. It's very amusing when Euros piss on the United States about such matters.
But if some of our European betters don't believe the United States is a better place to live then PLEASE DON'T MOVE HERE.
the mystery of the orgasm...please help me!
by kat7302 inwithout going into too much of my personal life here cos i really do have great sex!!!!!
basically, being brought up to believe that masturbation was wrong i think has affected my adult sex life!
hard to type this without being physically sick but whenever i masturbated wen i was young,i always felt if i didnt cum,i hadnt sinned as much!
drahcir yarrum
I realize that some of the responses to this thread were made in fun and some were serious. But it really does seem that sexual repression early in life can and does have long term effects on a person's sex life. I'm sure that to some extent Catholics and Mormons and other religions that place value on confining sexual activity until marriage suffer some of these problems. But the JW's face not only the guilt associated with non-marital sexual activity, but the punitive action of disfellowshipping and being shamed and shunned by their social support system.
Probably like thousands of JW yutes I spent a lot of my late teen evenings in the back seat of my car locked in a sexual death grip with a fine looking, sexually alluring female. But I believe the intensity of passion and the lack of completed sexual release caused me to suffer many sexual problems during my early adulthood. I remember as if it were yesterday, being out with an outstanding non-JW niece of a brother in the congregation. This girl was previously married and divorced at a young age. Needless to say, due to my fear of disfellowshipping and being tossed off of the pioneer list, I never consummated sex with her. She even offered to pay for a motel room. I WAS SO STUPID THEN! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh. Consequently, I believe that is why so many JW's in my era got married at a really early age to the wrong person. It was either marry or risk death by explosion.